Tuesday, March 28, 2006

pilipinas, february 2006

despair celebrates
in the stomachs of the hungry
apathy penetrates
those who were once angry

letting go of our patrimony
for the sake of the "economy"
economy, economy, economy

i say,
an economy of crumbs
for the hungry to feast on
while the pigs wallow
in a pen strewn with pearls and diamonds

but where is justice?
has she been forgotten?
or are all their crimes
so easily forgiven?

while the usurper sits on the throne
the voices of dissent
have been made silent
through exercise of fear and force
why do we choose
to stay in this course?
our history's endlessly repeating course?
this farce is too fierce
for mine ears

alas! alas!
is this nation's redemption
a heaven so far
from where we now are?
do we give up and flee
as so many of us have done?

i say,
if we only wake up
i say,
if we only open our eyes
i say,
if we only refuse to be bought

but still,
we choose to sleep
but still,
we choose to remain blind
but still,
we choose to be bought

it's a simple matter of choice
to raise a great and mighty voice
to ring righteous and resonant
in the halls of the palace

it's our palace
not hers
not theirs

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