Wednesday, March 09, 2005

top 10 signs that you're getting old

i'm still 22, but i'm starting to feel... old... like really old. so, in the tradition of david letterman, here is my own top ten list.

top 10 signs that you're getting old

10. people refer to the 90's as a bygone era the way everybody refers to the 80's and 70's.

soon, everybody will be thinking that the 90's is as far removed as the jurassic period. i'm starting to feel like a dinosaur...

9. you start worrying about what you eat

eating used to be one of the greatest joys in life. but now, after a nice filling meal, i can't help but feel like a bavarian cream donut stuffed in a pair of pants.

8. old classmates getting married

you think, "what?! that pervert's getting married?!" then you imagine that old classmate taking walks in the park with his kids and his pregnant wife. he's so... mature.

7. summer no longer means long vacations

it used to be that 3 months out of every year you'd be faced with having nothing to do. now, all i have are 10 measely vacation leaves... the horror...

6. former teachers become coworkers

this is the cool part about getting old. you can now rub it in their face and say "YOU CAN'T FAIL ME NOW!!! BWAHAHAHA (evil laugh)"

5. you can still remember the time when the minimum jeepney fare was still at 1 peso

the minimum is now 5 pesos (5.50 in manila) and some are even proposing to raise it to 7 pesos! what the hell!

4. insurance credit card agents start chasing you with offers

this one can be very annoying. you're in the middle of solving a particularly nasty problem at work, then your train of thought is broken by the sound of your phone ringing. "sir, we would like to offer you BLABLABLABLABLA..." AAAARRGGH

3. the thought of "settling down" has reached your mind

2. you start to get existential angst

only old people are supposed to get this! AAAAAAAHHHH!!!


and the number one sign that you're getting old:

1. the music videos you used to watch get shown on classic mtv!

'nuf sed

1 comment:

oceane said...

BINGO Ken!!!