Wednesday, December 22, 2010

the singing old man and the little girl

it's this kind of picture that reminds me of what drew me to photography: capturing all those little moments, the obscure dramas, the passing interactions, the slices of everyday life happening out there all the time, that nobody would really know is out there if not for the fact that someone had been paying attention.

and the unintended details too: the expression on the old man's face, his slipperless left foot, the few coins at his feet, and the way the little girl seems to be the only one listening...

wouldn't the world be a more beautiful place if we had all opened our eyes a bit more?

photo taken somewhere on colon st., cebu city, november 2009

1 comment:

Eric said...

Nakasabot ang bata sa loneliness ni manong, mao she sat beside him. ^_^