Wednesday, June 29, 2011


because all work and no play makes juan a dumb boy...

as simple as a few lines drawn on the ground, and the whole gang can have a grand time just jumping over them

as kids, we already have this fascination with movement. have big brother pull us on a makeshift sled, and we're all good...

but eventually our tastes catch up with the technology. and the fascination changes from movement, to the idea of control... that we're "driving" that car... that we're "in" that car...

soon enough, we're no longer satisfied with cars. we need to be driving spaceships and blasting away at invading aliens... in 3D...

but if we don't have those hi tech options, or on occasions when the weather doesn't want us to play, we find ways to improvise

even the company of a baby brother is enough...

and it's not just the kids... adults too can find the need to have fun, sometimes at the kids' expense

but we can't all have fun all the time. when our turn is up, we'll have to get off the seat and let somebody else drive the bike

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