Tuesday, May 02, 2006

the enemy of my enemy is my friend

i seem to have found an ally in my war against cockroaches. no, not the local pest control people, spiders. i was taking a bath one morning when i found a creature of indeterminate shape in the corner. i have bad eye sight, so i squinted a bit to see what it was. it looked like a spider, with all the legs, but it had something bulging under it. so i came closer and saw that it was cockroach. to my pleasant surprise, the spider seems to have captured it and was in the process of slowly poisoning its victim to death. i stared at the scene for a couple of seconds with a discovery channel like curiosity. so cockroaches do have a natural predator!

i know, spiders, like cockroaches, are considered household pests. but at least spiders don't have the gall to show their ugly mug in front of you almost everywhere in the house. kung sa bisaya pa, di sila pareha kabaga ug nawong sa mga ok-ok, kay wala nay uwaw nang mga ok-oka na. spiders are shy creatures, prefering to hide in the dark shadowy corners away from human detection. so as long as they don't show themselves too much and just remain in the shadows, and they continue doing their job in the campaign of eradicating the earth (or at least our house) of cockroaches, then their co-existence with us humans in our house should be fine by me. it's like a contract killer-client relationship. they hunt down my enemies, and i give them free board and lodging. like kenshin himura, that spider was my very own assassin in the shadows. i think it's what my high school biology teacher would call a symbiotic relationship. and i don't think they're as dirty as roaches anyway.

hooray for spiders!

UPDATE: this is from the world book encyclopedia. "Spiders are helpful to people because they eat harmful insects. Spiders eat grasshoppers and locusts, which destroy crops, and flies and mosquitoes, which carry diseases." so spiders really ARE one of the good guys, they just got themselves a bad rep from all those old disney cartoons.

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